What is your job title, and what does that position entail?
My title is Lead Inside Support. My primary role is working with the outside sales team and their clients through providing quotes/proposals, product information, and support.
How long have you worked at Olympus, where did you come from? A little history of how you got involved with Olympus?
I have worked at Olympus Controls since May 2009. I was originally pursuing a career in IT and found out about an open position at Olympus through my friend (and former youth group leader) Bruce Hagerty. Though I was not as qualified as the person I was replacing, Olympus Controls hired me based on my technical background with the understanding that I would grow into the role. I have been here ever since.
What do you like best about working at Olympus?
I love the people that I work with. It feels a bit cliché to say it, but Olympus truly is a family to me. There is a level of trust and support we have for one another that I have never experienced anywhere else.
Describe a little of your past history.
I worked at Fred Meyer for about 4 years before I began to pursue certifications in IT desktop support and server administration. I completed those certifications, but there were not a lot of open positions in that field at the time. I interviewed for the Inside Sales position at Olympus after hearing about the company through Bruce. It wasn’t the role or the field I was originally planning for, but it didn’t take me long to realize it was the place for me.
Describe some of your hobbies – what do you like to do outside of work?
I am very much into technology and am always trying to keep up with the latest and greatest stuff. I am a big fan of Star Trek, video games, and LEGO (50+ sets in my house). I have also developed a Portland Trail Blazers fandom through my wife, and we like to go to the games every now and then (though watching from the comfort of the couch has its advantages).
What are some key lessons you have taken from your career thus far?
One of the most valuable things I have learned is that you should not hesitate to try and solve a problem just because you are not sure how to tackle it. Asking questions and getting others involved makes things that would have been difficult a lot easier.
What is one thing your customers might find surprising about you?
I think the LEGO thing always surprises people. My desk is also loaded up with little toys that usually get a glance or two from new people passing by.